This product is handcrafted in Africa, by local people in community based workshops, using recycled materials.
Stands approximately 46cm high and 12cm wide.
Stands approximately 21cm high and 16cm wide.
Givemore Dizanuhupe learned to create figures from wire at school in his native Zimbabwe. Forced to flee his homeland
under a respressive regime, he now lives in South Africa, where he works with his sister and brothers creating these unique
pieces of art for your enjoyment.
Stands approximately 60cm high and 15cm wide.
Story of the Tin People
We clean up the environment, by using old tin cans for our clothing which may have been trashed. We have been painted
or varnished to preserve us from further tarnishing. However, with time and age we will turn old and rust a little,
but until that day please enjoy the light we hold, or the tiny plant you may place in the oldr, as the people who created
us did. May we be a piece of Africa in your home, and the conversation piece on your coffee table.